Imagine this: You're driving down the road, the same route you take to & from work every day. You come to a stoplight (since when do you get to actually go through it w/o stopping?!) that is usually complete with a homeless person (nothing reminiscent of someone you'd see in "Trading Places", way too clean!) and signs littering the streetlight poles like ants on a half-eaten piece of candy. This is normal. This is routine. Ordinarily mundane. But this day...was different.
This particular day, there were no signs, no homeless people, & definitely no Eddie Murphy! Instead, I see a mailbox atop a long pole that has been fixed to the streetlight pole on the corner, making it appear taller than the streetlight itself. The box is open, flag down, & the words "AIR MAIL" are painted on the side. I can't help but laugh at this pure genius prank against my town, especially in a place that is always so riddled with traffic that you wonder how they pulled it off! I mean, something like this would never get by me if I were driving by; so how do so many cops go by & not stop the perps playing pranks!? (nice use of alliteration, no?) Well, needless to say, it didn't stay there long. I was hoping it would just those that aren't very observant would have plenty of opportunity! Apparently someone else thought differently. Oh well.
As small and simplistic this "prank" was, it totally brightened my day. Thank you, Prankster, for allowing me a laugh after a long and tiring day! Sweet. I wish I could have gotten a picture of it, but I was too busy laughing to think that far in advance. Sorry, readers, I'll try harder next time. This all makes me wonder if Eddie Murphy would have thought of it & been able to pull it off...Hollywood road trip anyone?