Do you ever get so tired of saying the same things to the same people over & over again, but it seems like they're never listening? Sometimes it's me saying them, sometimes it's other people saying things to me. It's just really obvious at times that people don't seem to care what it is you say...just in how you say it. If I were to say that you were drop dead gorgeous, it wouldn't make a difference, you'd think I was kidding. If I said that I was jealous of the way you looked, because I could never live up to that kind of beauty, you MIGHT believe me! If I say it on the computer, you don't hear the inflection in my voice...you don't know if I'm laughing hysterically as I'm saying it, or if I'm crying because you won't believe me. I'm getting to the point where I hate computers, instant messaging, email...it all just seems to cause trouble & drama. I mean, I'm notorious for starting something like a blog or a journal entry or whatever & then going on for 30 minutes w/o really ever getting anywhere. Irritating to myself. Why do people believe a stranger, or someone they barely know about anything at all, but when a really close friend says the same thing, they blow it off? I don't get it!!! I'm really not sure where this is coming from, just that I'm irritated, frustrated, worried, & to top it all off...probably PMSing. Woohoo. =( As always, don't mind the crazy lady in the corner, she's just here temporarily. Also, this has nothing to do w/the picture, I just liked it & thought I'd share.
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